Pre coil information

Pre LNG-IUD / Cu-IUD fit information

We are only able to fit a LNG-IUD / Cu-IUD for contraception including IUD for emergency contraception. If you require a LNG-IUD / Cu-IUD for other reasons please discuss this with your GP.


Which type is best for you?  Please click [here] for information about the types of devices we fit.

If you are considering having intrauterine contraception for contraception, you may need a telephone consultation before you can book a fitting appointment.

Please read the following information carefully.

If any of the following statements apply to you, you will need a pre-fit telephone consultation

  • I suffer from heart problems or have an irregular heart beat
  • I have had an organ transplant
  • I have been told that I have fibroids or a heart shaped uterus or I have had an ablation or I have had surgery on my uterus (caesarean section is OK)
  • I have had ovarian, cervical, uterine or breast cancer
  • I currently suffer with liver problems
  • I am currently taking hormone replacement therapy or I plan to start this
  • I am currently taking steroids or I take regular courses of steroids
  • I have had a baby less than 4 weeks ago
  • I have had a stroke or heart attack
    I have pelvic pain or vaginal discharge or change in my bleeding pattern that has not already been investigated

You need to consider your current contraception before having a device fitted.

If any of the below apply to you then please continue with your method.

  • I have an implant that has not run out.
  • I had an injection that has not run out.
  • I have been using pills or patches with no problems or forgotten pills.
  • I have been using condoms every time and have had no split condoms or problems.

Please note…

  • If you have had a Cu-IUD or LNG-IUD fitted that has not yet run out, please abstain from sexual intercourse or use a condom for the seven days before your appointment.
  • If you use the pill, patch or ring please use on the day of your fitting. You may need to continue your contraceptive method for seven days after fitting depending on the type of device you have fitted.
  • We are only able to fit a LNG-IUD / Cu-IUD for contraception including IUD for emergency contraception. If you require a LNG-IUD / Cu-IUD for other reasons please discuss this with your GP.

If any of the below apply to you then please abstain from sexual intercourse or use a condom every time for at least three weeks before your appointment. If this advice is not followed, we will be unable to fit your coil

  • I have a Cu-IUD or LNG-IUD fitted that has run out.
  • I have an implant that has run out.
  • My injection is overdue.
  • I have taken emergency contraception in the last month
  • I have forgotten 1 or more pills or left my patch off or had a broken condom.
  • I am using the withdrawal method, natural family planning or no contraception.

Please note…

  • We may need to do a pregnancy test when you attend therefore, please do not pass urine before attending. A pregnancy test only excludes a pregnancy if done at a specific time in the cycle / post sexual intercourse. If we are unable to ascertain pregnancy risk we may not be able to fit your coil.
  • If you have just had a baby please wait at least four weeks after delivery before your LNG-IUD / Cu-IUD fitting. If you wish to start having sex before the fitting make sure you are using effective contraception and use the rules above about when we will be able to fit the device.

You may need some screening tests before attending for a device fit. If you answer yes to any of the questions below you will need to have STI screening tests and results before having your LNG-IUD / Cu-IUD fitted:

  • Do you have any pelvic pain, vaginal discharge or change in your bleeding pattern that has not already been investigated?
  • Have you had a new sexual partner in the last 3 months?
  • Have you had more than one sexual partner in the last year?
  • Have you been in contact with a sexually transmitted infection and not had a test?
  • Have you any concerns that your sexual partner may have a sexually transmitted infection?
  • Does your regular sexual partner have other sexual partners?
  • If any of the above apply, you need to have an STI test.  Please click [here] to order a test to do at home. Please ensure you order your test 3 weeks before your appointment to allow for processing and postage time. 

Before you attend your fit appointment, please make sure that you are aware and agree with the following statements:

  • I have read the information about the LNG-IUD and Cu-IUD.
  • I have followed the advice about contraception and not having sexual intercourse
  • I have checked whether I need an STI screen
  • If I need to have an STI test (as identified above) I will ensure I have my results before my fitting appointment. I am aware my coil fit may be deferred if this is not done.
  • I understand that the clinician will not fit the LNG-IUD or Cu-IUD if they are concerned that I may be pregnant or have an infection that needs treatment
  • I understand that a LNG-IUD / Cu-IUD may fail as contraception in 2-5 women in every 1000 that have them fitted. If it does fail, there is a risk that the pregnancy will not be in the uterus (ectopic pregnancy)
  • I understand that there is a risk of infection of 1 per 100 women in the first few weeks after insertion
  • I understand that an LNG-IUD / Cu-IUD will not protect me against STIs and condoms are recommended too especially if I have a new sexual partner.
  • I understand that there is a 1 in 20 chance of the device falling out
  • I understand that the risk of uterine perforation (hole in the womb) is 1-2 per 1000 women. In breastfeeding women the risk is 6-12 per 1000 women.
  • I understand that sometimes an LNG-IUD / Cu-IUD cannot be refitted after removal due to cervical spasm and if this happens a further appointment will be offered.
  • I understand my bleeding pattern will change.
  • Cu-IUD – my periods may be heavier and longer and will take 3 – 6 months to settle
    LNG-IUD – my periods may get lighter or stop but I may have erratic bleeding and spotting for the first 3 – 6 months.
    I will have breakfast or lunch prior to fitting appointment.
  • I understand that if I wish to take painkillers I should do so an hour before the appointment
  • I understand that I am likely to bleed after the fitting and may need a sanitary pad.
  • I can use my menstrual cup or tampons from 3 weeks after fitting to allow the threads to settle.
  • It is common to have period pain after fitting and some people like to rest.

To book your LNG-IUD / Cu-IUD fit please call our central booking line on 01903 285199. 


By selecting this tick box, I acknowledge that I have read, understood, and agree to comply with the information provided above.


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Sexual Health West Sussex

If you already have a coil fitted please check the device type and whether it is due for change.

A copper intrauterine device (Cu-IUD) is the term used for what is commonly referred to as a ‘copper coil’ or ‘non hormonal coil’
Depending on the type; a Cu-IUD can last from 3 to 10 years.

***We are only able to fit a Cu-IUD for contraception including Cu-IUD for emergency contraception. If you require a Cu-IUD for other reasons please discuss this with your GP***

A hormonal intrauterine device (LNG-IUD) is now the term used for what was previously referred to as an Intrauterine system (IUS – Levosert, Mirena, Kyleena, Jaydess) and commonly known as a ‘hormonal coil’.

LNG-IUD types

There are four types of LNG-IUD in the UK.

If fitted when someone is under 45 years old

  • Levosert – lasts for 8 years for contraception
  • Mirena – lasts for 8 years for contraception
  • Kyleena – lasts for 5 years for contraception
  • Jaydess – lasts for 3 years for contraception

If fitted when someone is 45 years old or older

  • Levosert – lasts until after the menopause or 55 years old
  • Mirena – lasts until after the menopause or 55 years old
  • Kyleena – lasts for 5 years for contraception
  • Jaydess – lasts for 3 years for contraception

If you are using Levosert or Mirena as part of your HRT regimen it will last 5 years. We do not provide HRT services therefore you will need to discuss an early change with your GP

***We are only able to fit an LNG-IUD for contraception. If you require a LNG-IUD for other reasons including bleeding problems please discuss this with your GP***