


If you are worried that you may be pregnant it is important to do a test as soon as you can.

For the test to be accurate you need to wait for at least 3 weeks (21 days) from the last time that you had unprotected sex. A test done earlier than this may not show that you are pregnant.

You can buy pregnancy tests from supermarkets and pharmacies and these tests, if done correctly, are as accurate as the ones that we use in our clinics.

If a pregnancy test is clearly positive or faintly positive it means you are pregnant.

If you are worried that you are pregnant but the test is negative repeat it after one week.


I am pregnant and want more information


If you are here we assume that you have done a pregnancy test and it is positive. If not please read above information. 

If you are considering continuing with your pregnancy it is important that you register with the maternity team as soon as possible.


If you are unsure whether you want to continue with your pregnancy or are considering an abortion the procedure is free on the NHS and you can refer yourself.

Details of your options and clinics can be found here:-

Marie Stopes


Contraceptive choices link

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Sexual Health West Sussex