Central booking Line 01903 285199

Welcome to Sexual Health West Sussex

We provide a full range of sexual health services across 3 Hubs, 6 days a week:

  • Crawley
  • Chichester
  • Worthing

With additional clinics held in

  • Horsham*
  • Bognor*

*Please call the central booking line on 01903 285199 for more information on appointment types and opening times.

We are a LGBTQ+ friendly service. We provide care whatever your gender identity or sexuality.

Central Booking Line: 01903 285199

Follow our socials!....


Our services include

  • STI screening: Online or Face to Face
  • All forms of contraception
  • Treatment and management of STI’s
  • Hepatitis A&B vaccination for those at sexual risk
  • HPV vaccination for men who have sex with men & people living with HIV
  • HIV Post exposure prophylaxis (PEP)
  • HIV Pre Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)

This list is not exhaustive, talk to our Central Booking Line if you are unsure

Services we are UNABLE to provide

  • Coils for non-contraceptive reasons
    We do not offer coil services for HRT or post-vasectomy purposes. Please consult your GP. If your GP doesn't provide this service, they can refer you to another practice or the gynaecology service.
  • Cervical cytology (smear tests) or colposcopy
    These services are provided by general practice and the hospital. If you are over 25 have not had a smear in the last 3 years (5 years if you are over 50) please contact your GP practice.

Cont. . .

  • Fertility screening tests or fertility management.
    Please contact your GP.
  • Menopause treatment
    For all menopause support please contact your GP to discuss further.
  • Screening for cosmetic procedures
    Please contact your GP.

Please contact your GP for more information on how to access these services. Your GP has been made aware that we can not provide these services.

Our services include condoms, contraception, testing, treatment and advice for sexually transmitted illnesses. NHS Logo We are part of the NHS so our confidential services are free and run by trained professionals. You do not need a GP referral. NHS Logo Follow us on our Instagram WSHT_sexualhealth for the latest updates NHS Logo You can also find us on Facebook at WSHT Sexual Health and twitter @wsexualhealth NHS Logo

Sexual Health West Sussex
Central Booking Line Opening Times