Coil and Implant Removals

Intrauterine contraception and Implant Removal Information


LNG-IUD / Cu-IUD removal

  • Your coil LNG-IUD / Cu-IUD can be removed at any time in your cycle
  • Ensure that you have not had unprotected sexual intercourse for the 7 days before your appointment.

If you wish to start alternative contraception please start this before your coil is removed.

  • For the combined pill, patch, ring, IUS or injection please start at least 7 days before you have your LNG-IUD / Cu-IUD removed.
  • For the progesterone only pill, please start this at least 48 hours before you have your coil LNG-IUD / Cu-IUD removed.

Please note…..

  • If you are planning on getting pregnant, please refer to the following links pre-conception information and pregnancy questions.
  • Sometimes there may be a reason why your coil cannot be removed at your scheduled appointment. If this is the case, the clinician will explain the reasons to you and book you a further appointment.
  • Lost threads: if you have had a failed device removal with your doctor or specialist nurse because of ‘lost threads’ we will not be able to remove your coil in our service. Your GP will need to organise an ultrasound scan to confirm position of your coil and refer to gynaecology.
  • If you wish to have ongoing contraception or if you have any pain or symptoms- please ensure you mention this when booking the removal appointment, as this will require a telephone consultation first.


To book your LNG-IUD / Cu-IUD removal appointment, please call 01903 285199


Implant removal

  • Your implant can be removed at any time.

If you wish to start alternative contraception please start this before your implant is removed.

  • For the combined pill, patch, ring, LNG-IUD or injection please start at least 7 days before you have your implant removed.
  • For the progesterone only pill, please start this at least 48 hours before you have your implant removed.
  • For the Cu-IUD, this can be fitted any time before your implant removal

Please note…..

  • If you are planning on getting pregnant, please refer to the following links pre-conception information and pregnancy questions.
  • If you cannot feel your implant or you feel that your implant may be broken or damaged, you will need to make an appointment with one of our nurses to be assessed for the removal.
  • Sometimes there may be a reason why your implant cannot be removed at your scheduled appointment. If this is the case, the clinician will explain the reasons to you and book you a further appointment.
  • If you wish to have ongoing contraception or if you have any pain or symptoms- please ensure you mention this when booking the removal appointment, as this will require a telephone consultation first.


Before you attend your implant removal appointment, please make sure that you can answer yes to the following statements:

  • I have read the above information.
  • I have followed the advice about contraception.
  • I understand that I may have significant bruising after the procedure.
  • I understand that I will have a small scar.
  • I understand that there is a small risk of infection after the procedure and will seek medical advice if the implant site becomes red, hot and swollen.
  • I understand there is a rare risk of neurovascular damage.
  • I understand that occasionally implants are difficult to remove and may require a further appointment with a specialist.
  • If I cannot feel the implant or it feels broken, I will use alternative contraception and seek medical advice.


To book your implant removal appointment, please call 01903 285199

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Sexual Health West Sussex